>> The brv nu world-EP is equally a hommage to dance music and dub. “Music and dance is like Laurel and Hardy, you can’t have one without the other”, Jim Lusted said to me the other day and laughed. More seriously, he thinks that ..reggae is the most influencal of all genres in the last three decades. Once back in Brixton, he remembered the joys of songwriting while jamming with old friends of the reggae and ska underground. Therefore, the record sounds deliberately rough and edgy, because Jim is definitely more into composing and real recorded instruments than into only computerbased music. That’s just ok with me: I felt it was the right moment to throw in some timeless tunes.
So yeah, Jim Lusted was born in New Zealand, grew up in London and travelled later all over the world as live sound engineer of the Stereo MCs, Bandulu, Juryman and lots more. Love brought him to Berlin in the early ninties, the club scene captivated him there for almost ten years. Jim is part of the blossoming of Berlin’s subculture, runs his audiophile edition Monoculture and composes the filmscore to killer.berlin.doc (for culture TV-channel Arte). In the end, for Jim, going back to Brixton meant also: back to the studio. Here you go, taste the fruit, enjoy! <<< back

one chip "brv nu wrld"
one chip is completed by visual works